Volunteer picking up beach litter at Great British Beach Clean on Eastney Beach Portsmouth GBBC Billy Barraclough

You can help keep beaches beautiful and seas clean, no matter where you live.

This year, you can take part in the Great British Beach Clean wherever you are. Read on to find out more about cleaning up litter at the coast or in your local community.

The Great British Beach Clean (GBBC)

Take part in this year's week-long Great British Beach Clean, which runs through the third week of September. Our annual event sees thousands of people heading out to clear litter and record what they find. Last year our volunteers found an average of 425 items of litter for every 100 metres of beach surveyed!

To get involved in a beach clean, follow our guide for schools and groups. You can sign up to organise your own clean, or see if there are any happening in your area which your group can join.

Volunteers at the Great British Beach Clean on Hove BeachBilly Barraclough

Credit: Billy Barraclough

Source to Sea: Litter Quest

If you can’t make it to the coast, no problem! That’s where the Source to Sea: Litter Quest comes in.

Most litter that ends up on our beaches or in the sea starts its journey in villages, towns and cities miles from the coast. All of the data you collect helps us campaign for change. We’ve used data collected in previous years to make the case for the 5p carrier bag charges across the UK, and are campaigning for a Deposit Return Scheme for all types of drinks containers.

Check out our Source to Sea page for more information.

Litter picker at Great British Beach Clean on Rottingdean Beach GBBC Billy Barraclough

Credit: Billy Barraclough

Why get involved?

Taking part is simple, all you need to do is download the survey form, grab some gloves or litter pickers and head outside! It’s a great opportunity to see first-hand the impact of litter in the environment. It’s also a great way to help your group reach its sustainability and environmental goals and takes advantage of outdoor spaces to complete activities. By improving their local environment, young people will develop a sense of social responsibility and awareness of how to take personal action.

Project Support

To help you explore the topic of litter in the environment in more detail, we have provided some activity ideas that you could do with your group both before and after the survey. If you have any questions about the activity suggestions or resources provided, please don’t hesitate contact the education team at education@mcsuk.org.

This project is funded by the Government's Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund was developed by Defra and its Arm's-Length Bodies. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission.

Green Recovery Challenge Fund Logo

Co-funded by the European Union.

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