Deposit Return Scheme
Drinks litter is one of the most commonly found items on our beaches. We've been calling for Deposit Return Schemes to be urgently introduced across the UK.
What is a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)?
You pay a small deposit on top of the price of a drink. When finished, you return the drinks container to a collection point - in a supermarket or shop for example - where you get your money back.
This sort of system would reduce littering, putting a value on what is commonly seen as 'worthless', and encourage others to pick up drinks litter they come across. It’s a simple idea which would have an immediate impact.
Why do we need Deposit Return Schemes?
DRS reduce litter and help the drive towards a circular economy - where materials aren’t lost, but used again and again.
Our Bottles for Change campaign, launched in 2018, gathered more than 25,000 signatures in support of a DRS for all drinks containers, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We’ve seen incredible public support for a Deposit Return Scheme and further delay means more bottles and cans blighting our beaches.
Progress in the UK
Policy Updates January 2025
On 22nd January 2025, MPs in Westminster passed the legislation needed for DRS in England and Northern Ireland. This is a fantastic campaign win for our DRS work and demonstrates the UK Government's commitment in law to implementing DRS in October 2027. The regulations that were passed cover England and Northern Ireland, with Scotland then amending the regulations already laid. Find out more about this update here.
The next stage will be the setting up of the Deposit Management Organisation, which is the company that will run the Scheme. This should be confirmed by April 2025, after which the preparations for implementing the scheme will begin in earnest.
On the 18th of November 2024, Deputy First Minister for Wales Huw Irranca-Davies MS announced that Wales would no longer be proceeding with the joint approach with England, Scotland and Northern Ireland as outlined in April 2024. You can read the written statement and find out more information below.
The UK Government, Scottish Government and Northern Ireland Executive remain committed to jointly implementing Deposit Return Schemes for England, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively, by October 2027 for plastic and metal drinks containers.
Following the announcement by Wales, we’re looking forward to hearing more details on its plans, which may also include glass and options for reusing containers.
In January 2025, the legislation for DRS to start in October 2027 in England was passed by MPs in Westminster. This is a fantastic milestone for our DRS work in itself, but even more so with the Marine Conservation Society specifically mentioned by Minister Mary Creagh MP in her speech.
Our work isn’t over yet and we’ll be closely following the progression of the Scheme, including the imminent setting up of the Deposit Management Organisation which will run it.
England’s Deposit Return Scheme was to be introduced by 2025, however, in January 2024, the UK Government announced that this would be delayed until October 2027. With so many delays over the years, the newly passed regulations are a vital step to finally getting the Deposit Return Schemes we need to reduce beach litter and move the UK towards a circular economy.
Northern Ireland
Legislation passed by the UK Government in January 2025 will apply to Northern Ireland too, with a Deposit Return Scheme set to start in the region in October 2027. The Scheme will cover plastic bottles and steel/aluminium cans but currently excludes glass.
Scotland will be amending its regulations to align with those passed by MPs for England and Northern Ireland in January 2025 to implement a Deposit Return Scheme for plastic bottles and metal drinks cans in October 2027.
Scotland was the first nation in the UK to commit to a DRS, which was to begin in 2024 and include PET plastic bottles, glass bottles and steel/aluminium drinks cans. However, the UK Government did not provide an exemption for the inclusion of glass through the Internal Market Act. The Scottish Government then announced it would delay implementing its Deposit Return Scheme and start in line with the rest of the UK.
We were disappointed that yet again, the scheme was delayed, and that glass was removed. We know Deposit Return Schemes have huge potential to turn the tide on drinks-related pollution, for the benefit of both people and planet.
On the 18th of November, Deputy First Minister for Wales Huw Irranca-Davies MS announced that Wales would no longer be proceeding with the joint approach with England, Scotland and Northern Ireland as outlined in April 2024. You can read the written statement which highlights the commitment Wales still has to DRS but one that includes glass and also reuse which we support.
Elise Lavender, Parliamentary Affairs Officer at the Marine Conservation Society, said, “Last year our volunteers found drinks-related litter on 96% of beaches surveyed in Wales, highlighting the desperate need for promised Deposit Return Schemes. We have been campaigning for over a decade for the ideal scheme, inclusive of metal cans, plastic and glass bottles.
“We respect the Welsh Government's decision to move forward with a Deposit Return Scheme tailored to Wales, acknowledging the complexities of the UK Internal Markets Act. While today's announcement lacks timescales for delivery, we support the goal of implementing a Scheme in Wales by 2027, which includes glass. We look forward to collaborating with the Welsh Government and other UK governments to create comprehensive schemes, inclusive of metal cans, plastic and glass bottles.”
Deposit Return Schemes in the UK
Sandy Luk, Chief Executive of the Marine Conservation Society said:
This marks a fantastic win for our seas. With plans already in motion in Scotland and the Welsh Government exploring an ambitious scheme to include reuse, this is a great step towards schemes starting across the UK in October 2027.
Sandy Luk, Chief Executive of the Marine Conservation Society, Jan 2025
Campaigning for Deposit Return Schemes across the UK
We have campaigned for Deposit Return Schemes across the UK for nearly a decade and we were delighted to see brilliant progress across the UK and hope to see schemes up and running everywhere by October 2027. With previous delays to the schemes' introduction, we want to ensure they're delivered as and when promised - and so do our Youth Ocean Network.
This group of young ocean activists created a video to highlight the importance of Deposit Return Schemes and their urgent introduction. This was shown by Reloop at its deposit return event at the 2024 Labour Party Conference, giving these young voices a platform.
With thanks to Youth Ocean Network members Eden, Ellena, Sophie and Zoe for helping to create this video and Reloop, who produced it.