People’s Postcode Lottery
Since 2014, we’ve been supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. An incredible £5.8 million raised by players, with funds awarded by Postcode Planet Trust, has driven forward our impact.
From beach cleaning and action on marine litter to producing our award-winning Good Fish Guide, support has helped across the full spectrum of our work.
Simply put, players’ support has underpinned progress across all areas of our work for nearly a decade. Beaches are cleaner, more ocean is protected in practice as well as in name, and more seafood meals are sustainable.
In particular, support from players has unlocked real progress in our award-winning Beachwatch programme. Our wildly successful Great British Beach Clean (GBBC) is now the largest source of data on British beach litter.
Support has also helped us to further amplify volunteer voices and explore people’s multi-faceted connection with the ocean.
Together we’ll continue to speak up for our seas.

Credit: People's Postcode Lottery