Beach clean training videos
If you're new to beach cleans or you haven't organised one in a while, take a look at our handy training videos. They'll tell you everything you need to know about organising, running and evaluating a beach clean.
Getting started
Clare, one of our Beachwatch Officers, tells you all the steps you need to set yourself up as a Beach Clean Organiser, and explains how to add your beach clean to our website.
Setting up a new stretch of beach to clean
If you want to set up a new stretch of beach to clean, Lizzie, our Beachwatch Programme Manager, gives you a step-by-step guide.
What to bring on the day
You're all set up and ready to go, so what do you need to bring with you on the day of your beach clean? Nicola is here to explain all.
Using the Beachwatch app
Rather than printing a paper survey form out, you can download and use our Beachwatch App to record the litter that's found during your beach clean. Clare talks you through using our handy app during your beach clean.
Running your beach clean
From setting up the 100m stretch, to making sure participants have everything they need, Lizzie explains how to run your beach clean.
Misidentified items
There are some items that are commonly misidentified during a beach clean. Clare is here to talk through what these are and how you should categorise them when you're submitting your beach clean data to the Beachwatch Team. Download our handy litter photo ID guide to help you on the beach.
Submitting data to Beachwatch
Your beach clean event is complete and you've collected all the data you need. Ffion tells you how to submit the all important data to the Beachwatch team.
We’d love to know what you think of our new training videos. If you have a spare few minutes, please fill out our Training Videos feedback form.
This project is funded by the Government's Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund was developed by Defra and its Arm's-Length Bodies. It is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission.