Family Events
You don't have to be an experienced runner to Run for the Sea. We've got a great selection of kids and beginner events for you to get involved in.

Run Alton Towers Races
With a number of events to choose from over the course of the November weekend, plus free entry to the park and its rides, Run Alton Towers has got to be one of the most thrilling events of the year.

Go your own way
It's not always easy to take part in an organised event. Be it the date, terrain, distance, or the travel, there may be too many obstacles for you to take part. This is why we're encouraging you to create your own challenge. Run, walk, cycle, wheel; whatever way suits you, just choose your distance and get fundraising.

We've got Alpha-bet-ter fundraising ideas for you!
There are lots of ways young people can support the future of our sea by raising money for us. We've come up with ideas to cover every letter of the alphabet (even if we did have to get creative with ZZZZZZZZZZ sleepovers!).

Birmingham Running Festival (Junior)
Kids can enjoy a 0.8km run around Sutton Park whilst raising money to save the future of our seas.

Inflatable 5k Series
The World's Largest and Best Inflatable 5K Obstacle Run! Get ready to experience the most exhilarating and unforgettable experience of the year!

Santa in the city (London)
This event is now over - check out our other events and challenges for more ways to get involved.

Santa in the city (Tunbridge Wells)
This event is now over - check out our other events and challenges for more ways to get involved.