Our sustainable seafood work
From why we work on sustainable seafood to advocacy and policy making, here's everything you need to know about our sustainable seafood work.
The future of seafood
As our global population increases, and seafood consumption rises with it, the demand for fish has never been higher. So where will our fish come from?
What makes seafood unsustainable?
The most unsustainable seafood is red-rated in our Good Fish Guide. We need to change how we fish, farm and purchase seafood to help protect our seas.
Advocacy and influencing policy makers
Now the UK is no longer part of the EU, it is making its own laws and regulations when it comes to fishing and the marine environment. Let’s make sure those laws are fit-for-purpose, delivering seas full of life.
As part of the Future Fisheries Alliance, we've come together with RSPB and WWF to create a colourful, cutting-edge report that outlines why effective monitoring on vessels using Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) with cameras is essential if we are to eliminate bycatch, as well as overfishing.