Working together
Collaboration is at the heart of our People and the Sea work. We actively seek opportunities to work with others and have been effective partners in several networks.
We Are Ocean
We Are Ocean collective emerged in 2016 from a small group of organisations, aligned by shared objectives of increasing Ocean Literacy and effective collaboration.
In accelerating Ocean Literacy, we will live in a society that understands the importance of the ocean to humankind, can talk about the ocean in a meaningful way and are able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources.
The Marine CoLABoration
The Marine CoLAB is a collaboration of marine and related NGOs working together to put value at the heart of shaping solutions for our ocean.
The CoLAB aims to increase collaborative action and explore how to communicate why the ocean matters more effectively.
The collaboration is guided by a small core but encompasses a broad community of actors across the marine sector.