Have your say on Bathing Waters in England and Wales
Bathing Water results for England and Wales are now out. Use your voice to respond to the joint UK Government and Welsh Government consultation on Bathing Waters.
This year’s Bathing Water results in England and Wales
Earlier this month Defra and the Welsh Government announced the latest Bathing Water results for England and Wales.
Out of 450 sites in England, 92% met the minimum water quality standard of “sufficient”, with 85% of Bathing Waters being rated as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.
37 Bathing Waters failed to meet the minimum standard and are classified as ‘poor’ which means that bathing is not advised due to the amount of pollution recorded and the associated concern for the health of water users.
In contrast, 108 of Wales' 110 Bathing Waters (98% of sites) were rated ‘sufficient’ or higher, with 75 of the 110 sites classed as ‘excellent’.
The problem with Bathing Water Regulations
The Bathing Water results don't paint a full picture of our Bathing Waters. Research shows that water samples are not frequent enough and samples taken during short term pollution are allowed to be removed, providing an inaccurate assessment of water quality.
- The current definition of a 'bather' includes only swimmers and excludes many other water users such as surfers and kayakers.
- Monitoring of Bathing Waters is not continued outside of the traditional Bathing Season when many people still use the water.
- Some samples can be removed due to short term pollution and abnormal situations.
Earlier this month, Defra and the Welsh Government released a public consultation of Bathing Water reform.
Woman swimming in the sea
Credit: Catherine Gemmell
Bathing Water Reform Consultation
The current Bathing Water Regulations are based on science and recommendations from 20 years ago and patterns in our recreation and knowledge of the risks associated with poor water quality have changed in that time. More people are using our seas, rivers and lakes for recreation, from cold water dips to surfing throughout the year.
On 12th November, Defra and the Welsh Government launched a consultation on the reform of the Bathing Water Regulations in England and Wales.
The consultation includes three main reforms and two wider reforms. Anyone can respond to the consultation, and you can use your voice to help protect our seas from sewage pollution.
We’ve outlined a summary of our response to each reform. The deadline for the consultation is the 23rd December 2024.
Access the consultation here.
Our response to the consultation
This reform is a great opportunity for everybody that uses our coastal and inland waters to let decision makers know what's important to them.
Rachel Wyatt, Policy & Advocacy Manager for Water Quality
“This legislation needs to drive water quality improvements and protect the health of everybody using our beaches, rivers, and lakes - whether they are in it, on it, or at the water's edge - whenever they are using it.”