Where we work
For almost 40 years the Marine Conservation Society has been working around the UK for cleaner, better protected and healthier seas.

Our focus in England
Huge tidal ranges, amazing beaches, hidden bays and rock pools can be found from the north to the southernmost tip of England. These waters are home to incredible species and habitats and we are working hard to protect them.

Our focus in Wales
With one of the largest tidal ranges in the world, Wales’ marine wildlife is more diverse than most. Almost half of the seas around Wales are marine protected areas - recognising the amazing species and habitats.

Ein ffocws yng Nghymru
Am fod gennym un o'r amrediadau llanw mwyaf yn y byd, mae bywyd gwyllt morol Cymru’n fwy amrywiol na'r mwyafrif. Mae bron i hanner y moroedd o amgylch Cymru’n ardaloedd morol gwarchodedig - gan gydnabod y rhywogaethau a'r cynefinoedd anhygoel sydd yma.

Our focus in Scotland
Scotland has 62% of the UK’s seas. They’re home to basking sharks, seabird colonies and 24 species of whale and dolphin. There are maerl, seagrass, flameshell and horsemussel beds, coldwater coral reefs and rock reefs covered in soft coral.

Our work in UK overseas territories
For over 20 years, we’ve been working in the Caribbean UK Overseas Territories of Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI).